

Bone Health: Our bones also store minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, which help keep our bones strong, and release them into the body when we need them for other uses.  Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, getting plenty of exercise, and having good health habits help keep our bones healthy. The best foods for building strong bones are sardines, broccoli, almonds, prunes, oranges, and onions. All have been shown to help increase bone density. THE NATURE CALCIUM 1000 Bone Health: While genetic factors play a significant role in determining bone mass, controllable lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity can mean the difference between a frail and strong skeleton. Calcium has been singled out as a major public health concern today because it is critically important to bone health and the average individual consumes levels of calcium that are far below the amount recommended for optimal bone health. Vitamin D is important for good bone he...